Late last year, I encountered what may be nearly perfect evil in business plan form: Swoopo. What is Swoopo? It's a class of penny auction, where bidders pay for the privilege of bidding:
[Penny auctions] offer new televisions, computers, game consoles, appliances, handbags, gold bars and more for
market trends
I was fascinated to discover the auction hybrid site swoopo.com
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swoopo] (previously known as telebid.com). It's a
strange combination of eBay, woot, and slot machine. Here's how it works
* You purchase bids in
A recent Wall Street Journal describes Ticketmaster’s problems with online scalpers:
The Internet era has brought speed and convenience to all sorts of consumer transactions. For concertgoers, however, it has also led to ever-faster sellouts for hot events. Ticketmaster deploys technology that is supposed to stop brokers from gaining