cpu cores

file compression

File Compression in the Multi-Core Era

I've been playing around a bit with file compression again, as we generate some very large backup files daily on Stack Overflow. We're using the latest 64-bit version of 7zip (4.64) on our database server. I'm not a big fan of more than

By Jeff Atwood ·

multicore programming

Re-Encoding Your DVDs

Like Donald Knuth, I think much of the current multicore hype is overrated. The machine I use today has dual processors. I get to use them both only when I'm running two independent jobs at the same time; that's nice, but it happens only a few

By Jeff Atwood ·


Choosing Dual or Quad Core

I’m a big fan of dual-core systems. I think there’s a clear and substantial benefit for all computer users when there are two CPUs waiting to service requests, instead of just one. If nothing else, it lets you gracefully terminate an application that has gone haywire, consuming all

By Jeff Atwood ·

multicore processors

Quad Core Desktops and Diminishing Returns

Dual core CPUs were a desktop novelty in the first half of 2005. Now, with the introduction of the Mac Pro (see one unboxed), dual core is officially pass. Quad core – at least in the form of two dual-core CPUs – is where it’s at for desktop systems. And sometime

By Jeff Atwood ·