continuous integration

software development

The Build Server: Your Project's Heart Monitor

Although I've been dismissive of build servers in the past, I've increasingly come to believe that the build server is critical-- it's the heart monitor of your software project. It can tell you when your project is healthy, and it can give you advance

By Jeff Atwood ·


Automated Continuous Integration and the BetaBrite LED Sign

In the spirit of Java Lava Lamp build monitoring: A few months ago, on April 1 2004 to be precise, I posted an article on eXtreme Feedback. The article was on a relatively serious subject: “How do you get your team to pay attention to the software/project status and

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development concepts

How about an hourly build?

The benefits of a daily build are well understood by now. McConnell even cites the book Showstopper! as an extreme example circa 1993: Who can benefit from this process? Some developers protest that it is impractical to build every day because their projects are too large. But what was perhaps

By Jeff Atwood ·