user experience
Will Work for Praise: The Web's Free-Labor Economy
describes how many of today's websites are built by the users themselves:
> It's dawn at a Los Angeles apartment overlooking the Hollywood Hills. Laura
Sweet, an advertising
I’ve recently been approached by several different people to inquire about advertising on my blog.
It doesn’t cost me anything to run this blog. I used to host it myself on my cable modem, and my employer, Vertigo Software, generously donated hosting when I outgrew the limited upstream
I often struggle when writing new blog entries. What should I write about? What’s the first sentence? What should the title be? When do I end, and what do I end with?
Copyblogger’s Copywriting 101 has some excellent writing advice masquerading as marketing advice:
Copywriting skills are an
When I meet people that have something to say, and an interesting way of saying it, I encourage them to blog. But there’s one big hurdle many people simply never get past: the actual writing.
I can respect that. Writing is hard. People spend their entire lives learning how
I’ve avoided the incestuous nature of blogging about blogging until now, but the topic does come up occasionally. Not everyone is a believer in the utility of blogs; I was a skeptic only two years ago, and Michael Brundage went out of his way late last year to point