In November 2007 I called these three CAPTCHA implementations "unbreakable":
2008 is shaping up to be a very bad year indeed for CAPTCHAs:
* Jan 17: InformationWeek reports Yahoo CAPTCHA broken
* Feb 6: Websense reports Hotmail CAPTCHA broken
* Feb 22: Websense reports Google
If you’ve used the internet at all in the last few years, I’m sure you’ve seen your share of CAPTCHAs:
Of course, nobody wants to use CAPTCHAs. They’re a necessary evil, just like the locks on the doors to your home and your car.
I stumbled across an interesting article outlining how to beat the MSDN visual CAPTCHA algorithm with some .NET code. Unfortunately, the author (a Microsoft MVP) demonstrated his “crack” by testing it on the blogs of other MVPs:
(if you were one of the 94 people i comment spammed) sorry about
I finally bit the bullet and formatted my ASP.NET CAPTCHA server control as a CodeProject article. This version of the control has a few significant improvements over the last version:
* Optimized with use of HttpModule and Cache objects
* Removed ViewState for Captcha text (this isn’t secure, doh)
* Added
I improved the ASP.NET CAPTCHA server control I mentioned yesterday:
* Control respects all standard ASP.NET server control properties (font, border, accesskey, enabled, etcetera)
* Hide ViewState property (it’s required!)
* Added CaptchaLength property
* Added CaptchaFontWarping property
* Improve font sizing algorithm
* Improve warping algorithm (more mild distortion, no more drawing
A few days ago, I found a really cool CAPTCHA ASP.NET code sample. I converted it to VB.NET and repackaged it as a full blown ASP.NET server control:
It’s as simple as I could make it: a total drag and drop, set the (three) properties and