

What If They Gave a Browser War and Microsoft Never Came?

Two weeks ago, Apple announced a new version of WebKit, the underlying rendering technology of their Safari web browser. The feature list is impressive: * Enhanced Rich Text Editing * Faster JavaScript and DOM (~ 2x) * Faster Page Loading * SVG support * XPath support * Improved JavaScript XML technology (XSLT, DOMParser, XMLSerializer, and enhanced XMLHttpRequest

By Jeff Atwood ·


Firefox Excessive Memory Usage

I like Firefox. I've even grown to like it slightly more than IE6, mostly because it has a far richer add-on ecosystem. But I have one serious problem with Firefox: This screenshot was taken after a few days of regular Firefox usage. That's over 900 megabytes

By Jeff Atwood ·

internet explorer

Because IE6 is the new Netscape 4.7x

As I read through all the articles spawned by the IE7 announcement (press release), I finally realized something: IE6 is the new Netscape 4.7x. It’s like we woke up one day, and IE6 had transformed overnight into the browser that we all wish would go away. The one

By Jeff Atwood ·