
technology trends

Just a Little Bit of Software History Repeating

I lived in the Denver area at the time Denver International Airport's completely computer automated baggage system was unveiled in 1994. The troubled development of this system was big local news. The premise of Denver's plan was as big as the West. The distance from a

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

The Build Server: Your Project's Heart Monitor

Although I've been dismissive of build servers in the past, I've increasingly come to believe that the build server is critical-- it's the heart monitor of your software project. It can tell you when your project is healthy, and it can give you advance

By Jeff Atwood ·


Clean Sources Plus

Omar Shahine's Clean Sources [] is a nifty little right-click app for .NET developers: > This application does one thing. It adds an explorer shell menu to folders that when selected will recursively delete the contents of the bin, obj

By Jeff Atwood ·


Automated Continuous Integration and the BetaBrite LED Sign

In the spirit of Java Lava Lamp build monitoring: A few months ago, on April 1 2004 to be precise, I posted an article on eXtreme Feedback. The article was on a relatively serious subject: “How do you get your team to pay attention to the software/project status and

By Jeff Atwood ·