One of the key diagnostic data points for any .NET assembly is “when was it built?” Until recently, I thought there were only two ways to suss this out:
1. Check the filesystem date and time
2. Derive the build date from the assembly version
The filesystem method has obvious
To complement my previous post bemoaning the lack of respect for AssemblyInfo, I wanted to illustrate just how easy it is to add a few custom attributes to our AssemblyInfo file:
Imports System
Imports System.Reflection
<Assembly: AssemblyTitle("ASPUnhandledException")>
<Assembly: AssemblyDescription("ASP.NET unhandled
We recently switched to VS.NET 2003 (.NET 1.1) at work, yet we're still using third party assemblies compiled under .NET 1.0. Now, ideally, you'd want assemblies recompiled to be sure that they are running as .NET 1.1. We happen to have a