user interface


UI is Hard

Some users commenting on the poor pre-game user interface in EA’s Battlefield 2: Poster #1: They need to stop hiring angry little men and romantically spurned women to design user interfaces. Poster #2: But doesn’t that describe most programmers? Poster #3: No, that describes all programmers. It’s

By Jeff Atwood ·

user interface

Tabbed Browsing and MDI-SDI-WTF

Cyrus bemoans the user interface catastrophe known as tabbed browsing: As far as I can tell, tabs just exist to violate the existing window management systems I have in the OSs i use. So all the built-in ways I know to use my system fly out the window (no pun

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

UI Follies, Volume II

There are so many that it’s really hard to choose, but I think this may be my favorite nonsensical dialog in Lotus Notes, our enterprise mail system of choice: Good luck. You’re gonna need it. I’ve given up criticizing Lotus Notes. There’s no point. It’s

By Jeff Atwood ·

bug fixing

Double-Click Must Die

Recently, we had this strange problem with a particular smart client application at work. It happened when the user clicked the OK button on a specific form. Like all difficult bugs, it was impossible for us to replicate. We put a bunch of diagnostic scaffolding into the deployed executable; this

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

The Tivo Remote

Like any self-respecting geek, I’m a card-carrying member of the Tivo cult. I’ll admit, I have lost some interest in the box since Tivo has taken such a hard-line approach to digital rights management (DRM) – providing virtually no way to copy the shows I’ve recorded to DVD,

By Jeff Atwood ·