You may know Bruce Tognazzini from his days as Apple Computer employee #66, or perhaps his classic books Tog on Interface and Tog on Software Design. He's still quite relevant today; his list of the ten most persistent UI bugs is an excellent reminder that many of the
I encourage my coworkers to lock their computers. Security, after all, is everyone’s business. But often gentle encouragement is not enough. Sometimes, more... persuasive methods are necessary.
I first learned about the noble art of goating from from Omar Shahine:
We have this problem in Hotmail. If you walk
In The Humane Interface, the late Jef Raskin asks an intriguing question: why do login dialogs have a "User" field?
Shouldn't login dialogs look more like this?
And you know what? He's right. Your password alone should be enough information for the computer to