email security
I have modest email needs, so I use the default SMTP and POP3 services in Windows Server 2003. Although I have email relay disabled, spammers are still managing to send spam through my SMTP service – via non-delivery reports!
In other words, spammers are intentionally sending email messages to nonexistent email
spam filtering
In my previous blog entry on some plan(s) for spam, I mentioned that I didn’t care for challenge/response “human-only” whitelists. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why I felt that way... until I happened upon this John Graham-Cumming PowerPoint presentation:
I don’t “do” Challenge/
machine learning
After struggling with spam e-mail for years the old fashioned way – highlight, DEL – I finally succumbed and installed POPFile on my server. POPFile uses a Bayesian Filter technique and it is amazingly effective. Within a day I had 95% accuracy; within a week I had 97% accuracy. Two months later,