performance tuning

legacy hardware

Pressing the Software Turbo Button

Does anyone remember the Turbo Button from older IBM PC models? A leftover from machines of five to ten years ago, the turbo switch still remains on many cases, even though it serves no purpose. In the early days of the PC, there was only IBM, and there were only

By Jeff Atwood ·


Stored Procedures vs. Ad-Hoc SQL

In a recent article, Doug Reilly makes a fairly well reasoned case for the use of stored procedures in lieu of ad-hoc SQL: So, should you use SPs or ad-hoc SQL? The answer is “it depends.” I have placed myself firmly on the side of doing all database access through

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

Top Tens

I found two interesting top 10 lists yesterday. From MSDN Magazine, 10 Tips for Writing High-Performance Web Applications, is a fine read. I’ll summarize: 1. Return Multiple Resultsets 2. Paged Data Access 3. Connection Pooling 4. ASP.NET Cache API 5. Per-Request Caching 6. Background Processing 7. Page Output

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

Performance Considered Harmful

Scott Hanselman continues to impress with his consistently useful blog entries, this time an observation about performance. I found an even more interesting link buried in the comments, though: the Eric Lippert post, How Bad is Good Enough? I’ve read articles about the script engines that say things like

By Jeff Atwood ·