
Password Rules Are Bullshit


Password Rules Are Bullshit

Of the many, many, many bad things about passwords, you know what the worst is? Password rules. Let this pledge be duly noted on the permanent record of the Internet. I don’t know if there’s an afterlife, but I’ll be finding out soon enough, and I plan

By Jeff Atwood ·


Cutting the Gordian Knot of Web Identity

Perhaps you've seen this recent XKCD about password choice? It prompted a spirited debate – even on our very own Security Stack Exchange – about the merits of the argument presented there. Now, to be clear, I'm completely on Randall's side here; I'm all

By Jeff Atwood ·


Passwords vs. Pass Phrases

Microsoft security guru Robert Hensing hit a home run his first time at bat with his very first blog post. In it, he advocates that passwords, as we traditionally think of them, should not be used: So here’s the deal - I don’t want you to use passwords,

By Jeff Atwood ·