naming conventions

naming conventions

I Shall Call It.. SomethingManager

Alan Green rails against the meaninglessness of SomethingManager [] : > How many classes do you come across named SomethingManager? Any decent sized commercial system seems to have plenty – SessionManager, ConnectionManager, PolicyManager, QueueManager, UrlManager, ConfigurationManager, or even, sadly,

By Jeff Atwood ·

naming conventions

Microsoft naming: who stole the soul?

Jason Kemp notes that Microsoft's choice of product names can have some unintended consequences []: > I don't know yet how I feel about the name Windows Vista, but it at least has some character to it. But

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming languages

Hungarian Wars

I've found a number of blog posts about the pros and cons of Simonyi's Hungarian Notation, most notably, this blog post commenting on the extreme polarity of the reprinted MSDN article rating: This single image really cuts to the heart of the debate, pointedly illustrating what

By Jeff Atwood ·