

Did IE6 Make Web 2.0 Possible?

One of the cornerstones of Web 2.0 is the XMLHttpRequest object. It allows JavaScript to call back to a web server without incurring a traditional HTTP postback. It’s the heart and soul of AJAX, and it’s a completely proprietary feature Microsoft introduced along with IE 5.0

By Jeff Atwood ·


Web Typography Hack: sIFR

Although I'm no fan of MacromediaAdobe Flash, I have to admit the sIFR JavaScript / Flash typography hack is remarkably well thought out and quite effective. Here's a small GIF movie of it in action: It always bugged me that our only alternative for decent web typeface

By Jeff Atwood ·

internet explorer

Because IE6 is the new Netscape 4.7x

As I read through all the articles spawned by the IE7 announcement (press release), I finally realized something: IE6 is the new Netscape 4.7x. It’s like we woke up one day, and IE6 had transformed overnight into the browser that we all wish would go away. The one

By Jeff Atwood ·


Client-Side code highlighting

When I visited Alex Gorbatchev’s blog, I noticed he had a unique client-side code highlighting solution in place, one I hadn’t seen anywhere else. That’s something I’ve wanted on my blog for a while; the vanilla <PRE> sections I’ve been using are serviceable,

By Jeff Atwood ·


SquishySyntaxHighlighter and CRC32

For quick and dirty HTML syntax highlighting, have you tried the Squishy Syntax Highlighter? By way of demo, here’s a little CRC32 routine I scavenged last year. Update 3/05: I am using client-side JavaScript highlighting. I noticed that VS.NET automatically translates the IDE highlighting into the RtfTextBox

By Jeff Atwood ·