iterative development

software development

When Understanding means Rewriting

If you ask a software developer what they spend their time doing, they’ll tell you that they spend most of their time writing code. However, if you actually observe what software developers spend their time doing, you’ll find that they spend most of their time trying to understand

By Jeff Atwood ·

programming practices

Good Programmers Get Off Their Butts

I searched for this citation, and like Wes, I remember reading it, but I can’t remember the exact place I read it: This echoes another comment from a recently read blog article, the author of which I cannot recall. Good programmers get off their butts. Typically, programmers won’t

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

We Make Shitty Software... With Bugs!

I saw this really funny, if somewhat ancient, Dave Winer blog entry on Scoble’s blog and I just couldn’t resist: An old software slogan at Living Videotext: “We Make Shitty Software... With Bugs!” It makes me laugh! We never ran this slogan in an ad. People wouldn’t

By Jeff Atwood ·