information retrieval

stop words

Stop Me If You Think You've Seen This Word Before

If you've ever searched for anything, you've probably run into stop words []. Stop words are words so common they are typically ignored for search purposes. That is, if you type in a stop word as one of your search

By Jeff Atwood ·

information retrieval

Designing for Informavores, or, Why Users Behave Like Animals Online

I'm currently reading through Peter Morville's [] excellent book Ambient Findability []. It cites some papers that attempt to explain the search behavior of web users, starting with the berrypicking model: > In a 1989 article

By Jeff Atwood ·

search engines

Disambiguating Search with Quasi-Evil Hierarchies

Let's say I was to search Google for the word Jaguar: There's an immediate problem. The semantics of Jaguar only exist in my head, not in any search box. Did I mean... * Jaguar the car? * OSX Jaguar? * Jaguar the animal? * The Atari Jaguar? * Austin Power'

By Jeff Atwood ·