user experience
I’ve long believed that the design of your software has a profound impact on how users behave within your software. But there are two sides to this story:
* Encouraging the “right” things by making those things intentionally easy to do.
* Discouraging the “wrong” things by making those things intentionally
If you've ever wrangled a user interface, you've probably heard of Fitts' Law. It's pretty simple – the larger an item is, and the closer it is to your cursor, the easier it is to click on. Kevin Hale put together a great visual
ui design
I bought my copy of Alan Cooper's classic About Face in 1995. I remember poring over it, studying its excellent advice, reveling in its focus on the hot new UI paradigms standardized in Windows 95-- toolbars, menus with icons, tabbed dialogs, and so forth. Seems quaint now, if
software development
Have you ever noticed how many people keep a physical calculator next to their computer? The irony is almost palpable. My favorite is the calculator mousepad.
Jef Raskin, in The Humane Interface, defends the practice of keeping a pocket calculator next to your PC:
It's true. Many of