font rendering

font rendering

Font Rendering: Respecting The Pixel Grid

I've finally determined What's Wrong With Apple's Font Rendering. As it turns out, there actually wasn't anything wrong with Apple's font rendering, per se. Apple simply chose a different font rendering philosophy, as Joel Spolsky explains: Apple generally believes that

By Jeff Atwood ·

font rendering

What's Wrong With Apple's Font Rendering?

I had read a few complaints that OS X font rendering was a little wonky, even from Joel Spolsky himself: OS X antialiasing, especially, it seems, with the monospaced fonts, just isn't as good as Windows ClearType. Apple has some room to improve in this area; the fonts

By Jeff Atwood ·

font rendering

My Love/Hate relationship with ClearType

I've been vacillating a bit on ClearType recently. I love ClearType in theory. A threefold improvement in horizontal resolution on LCDs is an incredible step forward for computer displays. Internet Explorer 7 forces the issue a bit by always defaulting to ClearType for web content, even if you

By Jeff Atwood ·