energy efficiency


The 2013 HTPC Build

I no longer own any laptops. Everything in our house is a tablet: multiple Nexus 7s, multiple iPad 4s, and a Surface Pro. In fact, the only traditional computers I own are my triple-monitor desktop home office beast, and the small Home Theater PC (HTPC) that drives all our home

By Jeff Atwood ·

user experience

For a Bit of Colored Ribbon

For the last year or so, I've been getting these two page energy assessment reports in the mail from Pacific Gas & Electric, our California utility company, comparing our household's energy use to those of the houses around us. Here's the relevant excerpts from

By Jeff Atwood ·


Upgrading to a High Efficiency Power Supply

In When Hardware is Free, Power is Expensive, I referenced a Google whitepaper (pdf) that explained why typical PC power supplies are not particularly efficient: Most likely, the computer you’re using wastes 30-40% of the electrical power it consumes because it is using an inefficient power supply. It’s

By Jeff Atwood ·

power consumption

The Cost of Leaving Your PC On

Between my server and my Windows Media Center home theater PC, I have at least two PCs on all the time at home. Have you ever wondered how much it’s costing you to leave a computer on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? The first thing you

By Jeff Atwood ·

scalable computing

Why Estimate When You Can Measure?

Wanna lower the noise of your computer? Stop burning 450 WATTS of power to browse the web or send email. Don’t see any moving parts on your Game Boy do you? Or your PDA for that matter. If desktop computers were made of APPROPRIATE parts instead of the “my

By Jeff Atwood ·