

Stack Overflow Careers: Amplifying Your Awesome

That Stack Overflow thing we launched a year ago? It's been going pretty well so far. Of course, everyone knows you could code Stack Overflow in a long weekend. It's trivial. Assembling a worldwide community of smart, engaged software developers? That's a whole different

By Jeff Atwood ·


Stack Overflow: None of Us is as Dumb as All of Us

I'm in no way trying to conflate this with the meaning of my last blog post, but after a six month gestation, we just gave birth to a public website. Of course, I'm making a sly little joke here about community, but I really believe in

By Jeff Atwood ·


Donating $5,000 to .NET Open Source

Way back in June of last year, I promised to donate a portion of my advertising revenue back to the community: I will be donating a significant percentage of my ad revenue back to the programming community. The programming community is the reason I started this blog in the first

By Jeff Atwood ·


A Group Is Its Own Worst Enemy

Dare Obasanjo recently wrote about the failure of Kuro5hin, which was originally designed to address perceived problems with the slashdot model: [Kuro5hin allowed] all users to create stories, vote on the stories and to rate comments. There were a couple of other features that distinguished the K5 community such as

By Jeff Atwood ·