

Do Certifications Matter?

Name any prominent software technology, and you'll find a certification program for that technology. For a fee, of course. It's a dizzying, intimidating array of acronyms: MCSD, SCJD. RHCE, ACSA. And the company offering the certification is quite often the very same one selling the product.

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development concepts

Fail Early, Fail Often

Scott Hanselman thinks signing your name with a bunch of certifications [http://www.hanselman.com/blog/ScottHanselman11SuccessfulLargeProjects3OpenSourceApplications1CollossalFailure.aspx] is gauche [http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s=gauche]: > If it's silly to suggest putting my SATs on my resume, why is … Scott Hanselman, MCSD, MCT, MCP, MC*

By Jeff Atwood ·