

Chickens, Pigs, and Really Inappropriate Terminology

Here's a description of the daily Scrum meeting in the Scrum process: During the month-long sprints, the team holds daily meetings-- the daily Scrum. Meetings are typically held in the same location and at the same time each day. Ideally the daily Scrums are held in the morning,

By Jeff Atwood ·

software development

Software Development: It's a Religion

It's Monday, and Steve Yegge still hates Agile software development. How much does he hate it? Approximately 11,000 words' worth. I think I could start a cottage industry producing Cliff's Notes versions of Steve Yegge posts. Here's my condensed version of Steve&

By Jeff Atwood ·


Is Software Development Like Manufacturing?

We've adopted Scrum for all of our software development at Vertigo. Although I'm totally in favor of Anything But Waterfall, Scrum is an unfortunate name: 1. It's two additional characters away from a term for male genitalia. 2. The term is derived from rugby,

By Jeff Atwood ·


Changing Your Organization (for Peons)

James Shore's nineteen-week change diary [] is fascinating reading: > It was 2002. The .com bust was in full slump and work was hard to find. I had started my own small business as an independent consultant at the worst possible time: the end

By Jeff Atwood ·


Schedule Games

Johanna Rothman posted a number of what she calls Schedule Games on her product development blog: 1. Schedule Chicken 2. 90% Done 3. Bring Me a Rock 4. Hope is Our Most Important Strategy 5. Queen of Denial 6. Sweep Under the Rug 7. Schedule Dream Time or Happy Date

By Jeff Atwood ·