Here's a description of the daily Scrum meeting in the Scrum process:
During the month-long sprints, the team holds daily meetings-- the daily Scrum. Meetings are typically held in the same location and at the same time each day. Ideally the daily Scrums are held in the morning,
software development
It's Monday, and Steve Yegge still hates Agile software development. How much does he hate it? Approximately 11,000 words' worth. I think I could start a cottage industry producing Cliff's Notes versions of Steve Yegge posts. Here's my condensed version of Steve&
We've adopted Scrum for all of our software development at Vertigo. Although I'm totally in favor of Anything But Waterfall, Scrum is an unfortunate name:
1. It's two additional characters away from a term for male genitalia.
2. The term is derived from rugby,
James Shore's nineteen-week change diary
[] is fascinating reading:
> It was 2002. The .com bust was in full slump and work was hard to find. I had
started my own small business as an independent consultant at the worst possible
time: the end
Johanna Rothman posted a number of what she calls Schedule Games on her product development blog:
1. Schedule Chicken
2. 90% Done
3. Bring Me a Rock
4. Hope is Our Most Important Strategy
5. Queen of Denial
6. Sweep Under the Rug
7. Schedule Dream Time or Happy Date