.NET Pet Shop 4

Vertigo Software’s .NET Pet Shop 4.0 article just went live on MSDN.

It’s Pet Shop! You know... our old pal, Pet Shop:

However, unlike previous versions of Pet Shop, this version is not a benchmark comparison with Java. It’s purely a showcase for ASP.NET 2.0 features and best practices when porting a site from ASP.NET 1.1.

The lineage of Pet Shop is a little hard to trace, but it goes something like this:

1.xASP.NET 1.0Direct port of Java Pet Store reference application.
2.xASP.NET 1.1Minor update for new ASP.NET 1.1 release.
3.xASP.NET 1.1Incorporates community feedback; improved architecture to better align with Microsoft Patterns & Practices recommendations.
4.xASP.NET 2.0Complete rewrite; no longer functionally equivalent to Java reference application.

Although Pet Shop was developed here at Vertigo over the last 8 months, I wasn’t personally involved with Pet Shop in any capacity. We are definitely interested in your feedback, however. Dialog with the community is what drove Pet Shop 3.0 development. Alan created a public blog entry on the Vertigo Pet Shop blog soliciting comments; feel free to drop by and comment any time.