How Good an Estimator Are You?

Chapter 2 of Software Estimation: Demystifying the Black Art opens with a quiz designed to test your estimation abilities. It’s an interesting exercise, so I thought everyone might like to give it a shot.

  • For each question, fill in the upper and lower bounds so that you have a 90 percent chance of including the correct value.
  • Don’t make your ranges too narrow or too wide, but be sure they’re wide enough to give you a 90 percent chance of hitting the correct value.
  • Don’t research the answers on the internet.
  • You must provide an estimate range for each question.
  • Spend no more than 10 minutes on this quiz.

So, how good an estimator are you?

QuestionLow EstimateHigh Estimate
Surface temperature of the sun 
Latitude of Shanghai 
Area of the Asian continent 
The year of Alexander the Great's birth 
Total value of U.S. currency in circulation in 2004 
Total volume of the Great Lakes 
Worldwide box office receipts for the movie Titanic 
Total length of the coastline of the Pacific Ocean 
Number of book titles published in the U.S. since 1776 
Heaviest blue whale ever recorded 

Remember, the purpose of the quiz isn’t to determine whether or not you’re the next Ken Jennings. It’s about estimation, not trivia.

Tomorrow, I’ll print the answers along with a deeper explanation of this exercise.