BetaBrite LED Sign API completed

As I mentioned in Automated Continuous Integration and the BetaBrite LED Sign:

I’m currently working on some .NET classes that wrap a BetaBrite-specific subset of the Alpha Sign Communications Protocol. This requires serial communication via a 25 or 50 foot RS-232 serial to RJ-12 cable, so you’ll need a physical PC with either a serial port or a USB-to-Serial adapter to get this working.

This is now ready for public consumption. I posted it as a new article on CodeProject, BetaBrite LED Sign API - A simple API for controlling a BetaBrite LED sign via RS-232 serial commands.

Here’s a sample:

Dim bb As New BetaBrite.Sign(1)
With bb
.UseMemoryText("D"c, 128)
.UseMemoryText("E"c, 128)
.UseMemoryText("F"c, 128)
.SetText("D"c, _
"This is file D", _
.SetText("E"c, _
"This is file E", _
SetText("F"c, _
"time is ", _
End With

It really came out nicely. Now go get you some of that sweet, hot LED sign action!